Table of contents

ETHICAL GUIDELINES for Smaken av Lofoten and The Tide hotell Lofoten AS


Smaken Av Lofoten is a real estate company that rents out property to The Tide Hotell Lofoten, which in turn runs a hotel business, together we work to create a solid foundation and a sustainable future. We take responsibility for the economic, environmental and social impact our business has on the outside world.

In order to achieve the necessary trust locally, in the market and with our employees, the companies must therefore act properly, diligently and honestly. Companies must loyally comply with legislation and other regulations from public authorities. A good reputation is the basis for the companies' existence.

But for these conditions, a company in itself is no more than the sum of the attitudes and deeds that employees and shop stewards convey. Ethical rules can provide some guidelines for which attitudes should characterize the work in our companies. In order for the right attitudes to be formed, ethical questions and examples must be addressed in joint meetings. The management has a special responsibility for this being implemented.

Our companies have offers that to a large extent make use of nature on water and on land. An important basic attitude is therefore to assess all our measures and actions in the companies on the basis that these must be environmentally sound and environmentally ethical. This also applies to the purchases of goods and services that we make. It is an expressed wish that everyone continuously asks themselves the question of whether we can become more environmentally responsible.



The ethical guidelines apply to the companies Smaken av Lofoten AS and The Tide Lofoten AS. The rules apply to everyone who works for or represents the companies. The guidelines are also leading for the business agreements and collaborations the companies enter into with other companies.  



It is extremely important that our business is conducted in accordance with the law. Our ethical guidelines are based on the UN Global Compact's ten principles on human rights, labor law, the environment and anti-corruption and constitute the minimum requirements for the business. If local, national or international law prescribes stronger protection than the requirements of our ethical guidelines, the law must be complied with. Likewise, we must be aware of national legislation, or whether compliance with it is contrary to international human rights standards.



We must always support and respect internationally recognized human rights. We never accept forced labor, slave labor or work performed against anyone's will. We also do not accept child labor. In our companies, the minimum age for full-time work is 16 years. Persons under the age of 18 must not perform heavy or dangerous work or work at night. It goes without saying that all people have equal value and equal rights. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the way people meet is also an important part of accessibility work. We will work actively to review the physical environment. The goal is for everyone with a disability to have the prerequisites to visit our hotel or apply for a job.



In the case of questions related to deficiencies in the working environment, it is the task of the work management, department manager or management to take responsibility for the implementation of measures with immediate effect. It is also the management's responsibility to implement a working environment policy and plan long-term to prevent any situations that may give rise to future deficiencies in the working environment at The Tide Hotell Lofoten AS and Smaken av Lofoten AS.



Employees at all levels represent the companies and contribute to the companies' reputation. Awareness of this must characterize all behavior in a work context. The management will be particularly attached to the business, also in his spare time, and must take this into account. Everyone is obliged to safeguard their own integrity and act loyally in relation to the company's interests and ethical guidelines.


Freedom of association and trade union organization

The right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining must be respected.



We must be a workplace where all people are treated equally and offered equal opportunities. Therefore, no forms of discrimination are tolerated on the grounds of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.



We never tolerate sexual harassment or abusive treatment. Sexual harassment is all forms of unwanted sexual behavior in words and / or actions that cause someone to feel violated, stressed or bad at fashion. Offensive special treatment is actions that are directed at one or more employees in a way that can lead to health problems or that the persons are placed outside the community in the workplace.



We are concerned about everyone's health and safety at the hotel and the fisherman's cabins, both employees and guests. It is of the utmost importance that we work continuously to reduce and prevent the risk of accidents. Accidents that still occur must be handled quickly and professionally. We will ensure accident preparedness by ensuring that employees have knowledge of CPR and can provide first aid. All employees must be informed about measures and routines in various types of situations that threaten security, such as robbery, terrorist threats, fire, bomb threats, identity theft and violence.



The workplace must always be an alcohol- and drug-free environment. Employees who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs must be expelled from the workplace immediately. Responsible for expulsion and follow-up is always the immediate manager and / or department manager, who is also responsible for contributing a solution for the employee.



Crises and emergencies must be handled on the basis of their own contingency plans, which must ensure continued and continuous operation. Crises that affect individuals are handled by the immediate manager who must take into account and follow up all those affected in the workplace. The need for information that arises in crises must be actively met through internal channels and externally by the person / persons who have the authority to speak on behalf of the company.



The companies must appear with high standards of good business practice, and must appear as a serious and honest player towards customers, suppliers and public authorities. We live by the fact that "right should be right". Integrity shall characterize the company and its employees at all levels. High standards of good business practice must also characterize and be demanded from our suppliers and partners.  



We must be eco-labeled in accordance with Scandinavian approved standards. For example: The Swan, Green Key or the Environmental Lighthouse Foundation. All environmental work must be based on the precautionary principle. We have an action plan that will include measures for: lower energy consumption, water consumption, use of chemical products and waste. The action plan will increase the hotel's contribution to a sustainable society through active measures, measurement, documentation as well as education and information of employees.

The companies will strive for environmentally friendly solutions in their operations, and for investments, material purchases and operations. Energy saving and recycling is established where possible, and source sorting is standard in both companies. 



All activities must be conducted in a way that ensures ethical treatment of animals and respect for animal welfare. We will do our utmost to ensure that the purchase and handling of animal raw materials or products with animal components takes place in line with the animals' five freedoms. These are defined by the EU's Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) and are: freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from physical discomfort by having access to a good living environment and rest areas, freedom from pain, injury and illness, freedom to express for natural behavior and freedom from anxiety and fear.



We must always protect the individual's right to confidentiality and privacy. We collect and process personal information about guests, employees and customers in accordance with the EU Privacy Regulation (GDPR). Confidential information is stored in a secure manner and may only, unless required by law, be disclosed to authorized persons. It must be clear from the respective hotel's personal data policy how we process personal data.



We are committed to working proactively to meet the requirements of the ethical guidelines. It is everyone's responsibility to ensure that any subcontractors and partners meet the ethical guidelines or comparable requirements. We must be able to show documentation to ensure that the ethical guidelines are complied with, in the same way as compliance with other local requirements. Violations of the ethical guidelines must be reported to the immediate supervisor. Compliance checks are performed at least once a year by our quality department. Deviations that are discovered during a possible audit must be rectified as soon as possible.

Violations of the ethical guidelines could have consequences for the employment relationship and in serious cases could also be reported.